Bollywood actress and Big Boss OTT fame Urfi Javed is always in the limelight for her quirky fashion sense. Once again, Urfi has amazed people with her peculiar dress. Recently, viral pictures on social media showed Urfi wearing a dress made from a sack. Urfi cut a sack in this dress and made it into a top and skirt. A piece of the sack is wrapped around her body with a thin strap tied over it.
Urfi Javed’s dress was made from a sack
The viral video on social media shows people’s reactions.
Urfi Javed’s pictures in this dress are rapidly going viral on social media. The design of Urfi’s dress was quite peculiar, and it appeared quite vulgar to see. People were astonished to see this design. Some people praise Urfi’s fashion sense on social media, while others are trolling her.
People are expressing different reactions to Urfi’s new look. Some people have termed Urfi’s dress as ‘madness’, while others have called it ‘an insult to fashion’. One user wrote, “What is this? This is madness!” Another wrote, “Someone should tell Urfi that this is not what fashion means!” And a user wrote, “This is a disgrace to fashion!” “Looking at this dress makes me feel nauseous!” Similarly, many users gave different reactions while trolling her.
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